The Trauma Storage Place: We Review the Reviews of “Concealed in Death”

This week on Podcast in Death, we review the reviews of “Concealed in Death,” and it’s a very long episode. The reviewers had a LOT to say about this book, […]
Episode 234: We Talk About Our LOL Moments
Podcast in Death
In this episode of Podcast in Death, we discuss Mavis’ Enneagram type. AJ has labeled Mavis a 7, just like she labeled Peabody a 7 and Tara a 7, but as per usual, she’s wrong. Mavis is most likely a Type 2 on the Enneagram, with Type 3 and Type 7 as tied second most likely types. Mavis is a giver and is focused on helping others and being connected in relationships. She is not manipulative or lacking in self-identity, which may be why we feel Mavis does not fit the characteristics of Type 3 or Type 7. She is driven and focused on achieving her goals, but not to the extent of neglecting personal needs or seeking love through achievement.
Interestingly, we look at a description of Mavis as a 2 paired with Eve as an 8, and got some fascinating insights that are so spot on for Eve and Mavis:
These two types are more alike than they might appear to be at first. Both are action-oriented and want to have a personal impact on their environment. Both can be sentimental and deeply feeling, with a soft side that is often more hidden than apparent. Both can play the roles of provider, protector, caretaker, and nurturer while avoiding or even denying their own needs. Both tend to overwork themselves and both tend to be the strong one in relationships (although Twos will tend to do so as the power behind the throne while Eights will tend to clearly be on the throne). Both types bring passion, vitality, interpersonal and social skills, magnanimity, and generosity. The basic emphasis of both types is distinctly different, however, with Twos being primarily interested in the welfare of others while Eights tend to be interested in their physical wellbeing and in having a distinct impact on their world, often with beneficial fallout for others.
They easily play roles that the other needs and wants: the Eight is practical and concerned with results, whereas Twos are more people-oriented and more openly altruistic. They are both strong willed and like taking on responsibility, as long as they choose it themselves. Eights often bask in the glow of the Two’s affection and adoration: Twos truly appreciate the Eight’s strength and efforts—and see their often hidden self-sacrifice. Both see each other’s noble qualities and can be each other’s staunchest supporters and admirers. Their roles are also clearly delineated, so they do not get in each other’s way. Each runs different spheres of their lives and cover different bases (one plays the symbolic Mommy the other the symbolic Daddy and things are clear and balanced). These qualities make this couple powerful allies who complement each other’s strengths, particularly the good effects they can have on others.
Find more at the Enneagram Institute.
Tagged as: Eve Dallas, Roarke, Leonardo, Delia Peabody, Mavis Freestone, Enneagram.
This week on Podcast in Death, we review the reviews of “Concealed in Death,” and it’s a very long episode. The reviewers had a LOT to say about this book, […]
Eve Dallas (187) Roarke (183) Summerset (113) Peabody (99) Ryan Feeney (90) Mavis (66) Delia Peabody (63) Ian McNab (57) Nadine Furst (51) Feeney (50) Susan Ericksen (49) Nora Roberts (46) Charlotte Mira (45) Galahad (36) Leonardo (36) J.D. Robb (35) Mira (35) Baxter (35) Mavis Freestone (34) Nadine (32)
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