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    Episode 214:&nbspSpiritless Ghostwriter: We Review the Reviews of "Taken in Death"
    Podcast in Death

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Month: May 2021

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Book Reviews

We Review “Reunion in Death” by J. D. Robb

AJ May 29, 2021

Podcast in Death
Podcast in Death
We Review "Reunion in Death" by J. D. Robb

We feel like Nora celebrated this occasion by writing a book that gives the fans a present: Everything they love about this series crammed into one book: A great case; Eve giving Peabody the chance to investigate a cold case; Peabody’s parents are in town; the first mention of the […]

  • 85


The People Who Intimidate Eve

AJ May 23, 2021

Podcast in Death
Podcast in Death
The People Who Intimidate Eve

In this episode, we talk about a subject suggested by listener Mary, who called the number: The people that intimidate Eve. There are really only a few people that we know of that intimidate Eve: Mrs. Whitney, Trina and Mira’s Admin. We talk about the reasons why she may be […]

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We Review the Reviews

We Review the Reviews, Seduction in Death Edition

AJ May 15, 2021

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Podcast in Death
We Review the Reviews, Seduction in Death Edition

Here we are again with another “We Review the Reviews Episode” where we find out that: people need to pay more attention when reading a book set in the future, nobody gets away with calling John Keats “stupid,” Eve is horrible for needing extra care, and Roarke is horrible for […]

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The “In Death” Soundtrack!

AJ May 8, 2021

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Podcast in Death
The "In Death" Soundtrack!

You know how you’ll be listening to the radio or iTunes or Spotify, or whatever music service you have, and a song will come on and you will immediately think about Eve and Roarke? Or, Peabody and McNab? Or you think, “I could see Mavis doing a cover of this […]

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Book Reviews

Book #13 Seduction in Death by J.D. Robb

AJ May 1, 2021

Podcast in Death
Podcast in Death
Book #13 Seduction in Death by J.D. Robb

We’re reviewing “Seduction in Death” and so much happens in this book! Apart from the really creepy murders, Peabody and McNab are working on solidifying their relationship, Charles and Louise meet for the first time, Eve finding out that she gave $3 Million to Louise’s clinic and finding out about […]