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Book Reviews

Inappropriate Workplace Shower Sex – We Review “Ritual in Death” by J.D. Robb

AJ February 4, 2023 405

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Podcast in Death
Podcast in Death
Inappropriate Workplace Shower Sex - We Review "Ritual in Death" by J.D. Robb

This week we are reviewing “Ritual in Death”! This book is a novella that was originally part of the “Suite 606” anthology which included novellas by J.D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Lanagan and Mary Kay McComas. Though we’ve had several novellas before and after this one, the one thing that makes this one a bit weird is that they decided to take one of the novellas, “Wayward Wizard” by McComas, and put those characters into one scene in each of the other novellas. So, if you were someone who read this book and remember thinking the scene where Eve takes a nap in her office and wakes up to a man, a woman and a boy beaming into her office then beaming back out again, that’s what that was.

Other than that, this is a typical J.D. Robb novella. Short and to the point. The case is interesting, but gets solved really quickly. This is not a novella that rates high for any of us, but it’s not a bad story overall. Some really nice moments in this book. We get to see Isis again, and she has some great lines. We get to meet Maxia Carlyle and we all love her and wish she would have made another appearance in another book. The scene between her and Eve is just gold.

Roarke is going through it in this book because the murder takes place at his hotel and the Murderer(s) take advantage of his people to do it. Eve is going through it because…well…she always does, and because Roarke is. But do you know what makes Roarke feel a bit better? Inappropriate Workplace Shower Sex at Cop Central! Doesn’t last for long though because they are back bitching at each other soon after, Isis tells them they need a nap, and she’s not wrong.

Eve and Roarke do make up though, and shortly thereafter, Eve takes down the murdering Satanic Cult, and all is once again well in Eve and Roarke Land.

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We Review the Reviews

Lessons in Hardassery: We Review the Reviews of “Salvation in Death”

AJ January 28, 2023

Podcast in Death
Podcast in Death
Lessons in Hardassery: We Review the Reviews of "Salvation in Death"

We’re back with We Review the Reviews! This time for “Salvation in Death.” Many of the old standards make an appearance in this episode including: Nora has a Ghostwriter (because […]

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