(Almost) Everyone Gets a Magic Coat! We Talk with Author Cathy Wiley!

In this episode, we talk with author Cathy Wiley, who used to be one of our friends on InDeathdotNet! Cathy tells us what she’s learned about writing from reading Nora […]
Episode 234: We Talk About Our LOL Moments
Podcast in Death
AJ September 2, 2023 222
This week: Everyone’s Favorite: Possession in Death!
AJ doesn’t have a theme for this week, either because she just couldn’t find one, or she just didn’t care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For those who were disappointed that Eve never questioned Sylvester Moriarty at the end of the last book, you will be relieved to know that he is questioned at the beginning of this book. Also, people who were disappointed they never saw the BBQ that was mentioned several times in “Indulgence,” we now get to see it, with all our favorite characters making an appearance, including Father Lopez and Mavis, Leonardo and Bella, who apparently flew in from London just for the BBQ. Bella is already talking at four months, and we’re skeptical about that.
Eve drives Father Lopez home from the BBQ, stops to help an injured old lady “Gizi,” and subsequently becomes possessed by her spirit because she is dying and wants to make sure she can help Eve find her granddaughter, Beata. Now that Eve is possessed, she can speak Russian, (and insult Summerset in Russian) spout off the recipe for goulash, see dead people (including a woman who thinks Roarke is hot), and has a new tattoo of a peacock feather on her ankle. But it doesn’t stop her from having sex with Roarke.
After a short investigation, Eve decides she knows who the killer is, and sets up an op to save Beata. She brings Father Lopez in on the op because someone might be Catholic, so…
During the rescue, Eve sees more dead people and Roarke gets to knock down a wall with a sledgehammer. Gizi’s spirit leaves Eve but not before she asks Eve if she would like to keep the gift of seeing and talking to the dead. Eve says no thank you, which is a wise decision.
Regardless of the things that we find annoying in this book, we can’t deny it’s a fun read.
Tagged as: Bella Eve, Mavis Freestone, Eve Dallas, Novella, Summerset, Father Chale López, Roarke, BBQ, Ryan Feeney, Possession, Leonardo, The Other Side, Dennis Mira, Psychics, Ghosts, Delia Peabody.
In this episode, we talk with author Cathy Wiley, who used to be one of our friends on InDeathdotNet! Cathy tells us what she’s learned about writing from reading Nora […]
Eve Dallas (187) Roarke (183) Summerset (113) Peabody (99) Ryan Feeney (90) Mavis (66) Delia Peabody (63) Ian McNab (57) Nadine Furst (51) Feeney (50) Susan Ericksen (49) Nora Roberts (46) Charlotte Mira (45) Galahad (36) Leonardo (36) Baxter (35) J.D. Robb (35) Mira (35) Mavis Freestone (34) Nadine (32)
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