Trash Humans: We Review “Purity in Death” by J.D. Robb

This is a very long episode because this book is so dense! Trueheart kills a man (but does he?), McNab is shot with a stunner and is now paralyzed on […]
Episode 234: We Talk About Our LOL Moments
Podcast in Death
AJ July 17, 2021 148 5
Here we are again, folks, with another “We Review the Reviews!” This time we review the reviews of “Purity in Death!” So many BS reviews for this book!
We start out with another reviewer who didn’t like the book, so therefore they question whether Nora Roberts actually wrote the book.
Then there’s the reviewer who felt that Nora “made social commentary throughout that was either annoying or incredibly bigoted.” We really wish people would give us examples of what they feel is annoying and bigoted.
Next, a review that feels the book was a “techno-babble bore” and that it copied the movie “Star Chamber.” Although, vigilante movies have been around since movies existed, so, “Star Chamber” didn’t invent that genre. Just visit the page on Wikipedia that lists all the vigilante movies that have been made.
There’s a really pretentious a-hole who writes a really long review about how bad they feel Nora’s “mushy, irritating” and writing is. “Purity” in their opinion, is “lame, “boring,” and “tiring” with “…very poor plot line, character growth or mystery.” Plus, TWO SIMILIES IN ONE SENTENCE?? HOW DARE SHE!!??
Here’s some more things we learn about this book in this episode:
On the good side, some reviewers really loved this book and the series in general, not to mention Susan Ericksen and we LOVE those reviews.
This is a very long episode because this book is so dense! Trueheart kills a man (but does he?), McNab is shot with a stunner and is now paralyzed on […]
Eve Dallas (187) Roarke (183) Summerset (113) Peabody (99) Ryan Feeney (90) Mavis (66) Delia Peabody (63) Ian McNab (57) Nadine Furst (51) Feeney (50) Susan Ericksen (49) Nora Roberts (46) Charlotte Mira (45) Leonardo (36) Galahad (36) Mira (35) J.D. Robb (35) Baxter (35) Mavis Freestone (34) Nadine (32)
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