Just Trust Us! We Give You Our Nora Roberts Book Recs!

This week, while Tara is away, AJ and Jen give recommendations for Nora Roberts books that you can read if you are an “In Death” fan and haven’t read any (or very much) Nora Roberts.
This week, while Tara is away, AJ and Jen give recommendations for Nora Roberts books that you can read if you are an “In Death” fan and haven’t read any (or very much) Nora Roberts.
This week, AJ, Jen and Tara are on vacation, so we are re-playing an episode that we recorded with Heidi and Emily of the podcast “Romancing the Shelf”!! However, while they (wisely) cut out all the superfluous and boring parts of our recording, we have kept all that in! For […]
AJ and Jen are on their own again this week and because we both read Nora Roberts’ “Legacy,” we decided to break from our normal podcast and do a review of a Nora Roberts book! Let us say up front, that when it comes to characters and dialog and cute […]
Does Roarke have a first name? Will Eve and Roarke have a baby? Is Eve’s father really her father? Is he still alive? Does Roarke wear boxers or briefs? When does Eve have time to shave her legs? Is Eve turning into a dirty cop? Is Roarke pussywhipped/circumcised/too perfect? Does […]
Here we are again with another “We Review the Reviews Episode” where we find out that: people need to pay more attention when reading a book set in the future, nobody gets away with calling John Keats “stupid,” Eve is horrible for needing extra care, and Roarke is horrible for […]
With these reviews, we learn a lot in this episode, including: Sex scenes are “done to death,” Susan Ericksen is an amazing reader, and if you don’t think so, maybe YOU are the Worst. Reader. Ever. Some readers found this book Boring, Boring. Regular Nora Roberts novels have little to […]
Well, everyone, you asked for it, and now you have it. Our “Closet Fairy” episode! One thing we learn here is that AJ and Tara know nothing about clothes, but Jen does! At the very least, Jen knows what “Stitch Fix” is! We take a look at the many times that […]
We talk to author Judy Kentrus about how Eve and Roarke might solve a murder in historical time. We talk about Eve and Roarke as Wild West characters and Pirates. Also: Judy answers our fan questions, and we find out that she has a collection of one of the things […]
Faithless in Death was a book that deals with some really heavy subjects, and pushes some political hot buttons during a time when people are extra sensitive at having their political hot buttons pushed. So, because of that, the first half hour or so of this show, we take time […]